Rhythm - Abode Beach Rug

Abode Beach Rug Rhythm

Rhythm brings us the Abode Beach Rug Kelp.


A classic from the Australian label, the Abode Beach Rug is a 100% cotton towel.


The Rhythm Beach Rug is the ultimate beach essential for sunny days. Made from high-quality materials, this beach towel is not only soft and absorbent, but also durable and hard-wearing.


Its large size offers plenty of room to stretch out and relax on the warm sand, while its stylish design and vibrant patterns add a touch of style to your day at the beach.


Whether you're basking in the sun, swimming in the waves or relaxing in the shade, the Rhythm Abode Beach Rug offers comfort and functionality all day long. Don't go to the beach without it!

Livraison en 48h

Livraison en 48h

pour la France

Paiement sécurisé

Paiement sécurisé


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pendant 14 jours


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